
Science&society provide an interdisciplinary platform for scholars from both the life sciences and the humanities, e.g. from ethics, literature and the arts, social and political sciences, philosophy, history, etc. The intention is to break new grounds for cross-disciplinary dialogues between these two academic worlds, which usually communicate far too less with each other. The life sciences are never static as the societies they are embedded it. The reflection of modern topics in the life sciences by the humanities will help to increase the awareness of the life sciences in our societies and the relevance of biomedical results for the welfare of patients.

Realizing the necessity of fertilizing dialogues between the life sciences and the humanities, we established the Research Training Group „Life science – Life Writing“, which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG GRK 2015/1; see The joint work in this Research Training Group resulted in the following publications:
Efferth T, Banerjee M, Hornung A. Therapeutic Intervention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder by Chinese Medicine: Perspectives for Transdisciplinary Cooperation Between Life Sciences and Humanities.” Medicine Studies 4.1-4 (2014): 71-89.
Paul NW, Banerjee M, Efferth T. Life Sciences—Life Writing: PTSD as a transdisciplinary entity between biomedical explanation and lived experience Humanities (in revision)
Efferth et al., Biopiracy of natural products and good bioprospecting practice. Phytomedicine (accepted)
Hong C, Efferth T. Systematic Review on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Survivors of the Wenchuan Earthquake." Trauma, Violence, & Abuse (2015): 1-20.
Efferth T, Banerjee M, Paul NW. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacotherapy of military personnel suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (submitted)
Naß J, Efferth T. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacotherapy of military personnel suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (submitted).